A trip to the emergency room is not exactly on anyone's to-do list this Christmas.
A Valley doctor is trying to warn people about the holiday hazards that she says are incredibly common this time of year.
"People can get, kind of um...stupid around the holidays," Dr. Janice Johnston laughed.
Dr. Johnston is the medical director of Redirect Health.
She said stabbings could be a concern because people get too excited trying to open their new presents.
"Probably not the best idea to whip out your pocket knife and start cutting things open," Dr. Johnston said. "Because the other thing that happens with that is that the knife gets lost in the wrapping paper, in the commotion and everything."
Dr. Johnston said falls are by far the biggest injury she's seen with people who are trying to put up ornaments on the top of the tree or lights and decorations on the roof.
Insurance Quotes also compiled a list of the holiday hazards to help avoid them.