

Phoenix family's puppy stung more than 400 times by bees; hive flared up in vacant home next door

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A problem wasn't in their backyard, but one Phoenix family must now deal with the consequences.
A home near 7th Street and Thomas is vacant, but the did have some uninvited guests: bees who have formed a deep hive in the home.
The family living next door was forced to confront their small, yellow neighbors after the hive flared up Saturday morning. Now, their smallest family member faces an uncertain future; a 17-week old pit bull puppy was stung hundreds of times. 
"It's kind of like having a needle just poked into your body," explained Jeremy Denoyer. "And then somebody just rubs it around." 
The scars and the sounds are still swarming in the Denoyers' minds. 
"Any kind of buzz I hear now, I kind of just - I don't want to be around anything that's buzzing," Jeremy said. 
Phoenix Fire crews told the family the hive has been growing at the home next door for quite a while. They also said something simple, such as a bird flying by, could have been all it took to cause the flare-up.
Jeremy was stung more than 20 times across his body, on his face, neck, arms and legs. But, Jeremy explained, he would take every one to save his two animals outside. 
"It would have been worth it because--I just in the end I don't want them in pain," Jeremy said.
Their two pets, Lady (the German Shepherd) and Tramp (the Pitbull) were caught in the buzzing crossfire.
Lady was stung upwards of 50 times. But, Tramp suffered the worst of it - receiving more than 400 stings. Somehow, Tramp is still alive. 
"Usually, in the first day, they are gone," said Kimberly Denoyer. "So, Tramp is pretty much a one in a million case."
However, the Denoyers' concern over that hive-next-door is nothing new. They have tried contacting the homeowner for months and also reported it to the city. 
"There is no way to fix it on our end, and it shouldn't have to be our end because we don't own the house," a frustrated Kimberly said. 
Phoenix firefighters told them the owners of the vacant house have to pay for the foam and eradication that needed to be done on Saturday. But, this family just wishes the fix would have come sooner. 
"It's hard to think that they don't have the conscious being to take care of their home that they own," Kimberly said.
Their focus is on Tramp though and right now, they are staying cautiously optimistic their little family member will make it home soon. 
The Denoyers' neighbors have set up a GoFundMe account to help pay for the climbing veterinary costs for Tramp.