

Dozens gather to thank Sens. McCain and Flake for standing up to President Donald Trump


Dozens of protesters gathered outside the Phoenix offices of Arizona's senators on Monday.

About 100 people voiced their opposition to President Donald Trump and his new executive order that bans travel for people from seven Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East. 

“He's making an enemy out of one billion and a half Muslims in the world,” said Steve Arkawi, president of the Syrian American Council

The protesters said they were there to thank Senators McCain and Flake. Both have vocally opposed the travel ban and McCain has also resisted Trump's call to reinstate Bush-era policies on torture.

Senator McCain ended up in a Twitter fight with President over the issue this past weekend. McCain unleashed a quartet of tweets saying Trump’s executive orders are a “self-inflicted wound” that will help recruit new terrorists. 

Trump hit back from his personal account, tweeting that McCain should stop trying to “start World War III.”