With 17,000 kids in the state foster care system, Arizona Helping Hands is helping families with the cost of bringing kids into their home.
“In order to become a licensed foster home you need to pass a home inspection — to pass that home inspection you need to have certain materials in your house that fulfill the state requirements,” said President and CEO Dan Schufelt.
Three months ago, AHH started gifting the necessary safety items, like fire extinguishers, CO2 monitors and magnetic locks to families navigating the process.
“A family now can come to us, receive those supplies, pass the home inspection and potentially qualify for the state subsidy,” Schufelt said.
The nonprofit was awarded the 2017 Challenge Grant by the T.W. Lewis Foundation for the kits -- meaning every donation over $2,000 will generate an additional $2,000.
“We need to make sure that these kids are in a safe place, that they’re comfortable, that they’re celebrated."