

PD: Man responsible for multiple N. PHX armed robberies arrested


Anonymous tips helped police capture a man responsible for four north Phoenix armed robberies including a credit union.

Phoenix police report that a man robbed four businesses in 11 days in north Phoenix, getting nearly $5,000 in cash and products. 

From March 16 to March 27, 30-year-old Kipper Ray Myers robbed two pizza restaurants, a Chevron market, and the Arizona Federal Credit Union.

Police say surveillance video from the stores shows the same person in all four robberies.

In each case, Myers used a silver colored handgun.

On March 30, the FBI released a video to the media of the Credit Union robbery and received a tip identifying Myers as the suspect.

Witnesses from three of the four robberies identified a photo of Myers. Another tip reported that Myers was staying at a mobile home near 35th Avenue and Deer Valley Road. Police went to the location and found a car there, that matched the description of the car used in the robberies.

Police say, inside the home, they found clothing that also matched clothing worn by Myers at the robberies.

When questioned, Myers reportedly told police that he had been out of town, "for nearly the entire month of March." He then requested an attorney.

Myers has been charged with multiple charges of armed robbery.