

How much? Burglaries declining in Arizona

and last updated

Statistics show burglaries Arizona have declined since 2011.

The value of the goods stolen has also gone down, according to data released by the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

The most recent data available is for 2014.

According to the information, there were 40,151 burglaries reported in Arizona in 2014. That is over 12,000 less than the 52,252 burglaries reported in 2011.

The value of goods stolen in 2014 reached 115 million. In 2011, that number was 137 million.

ABC15 is looking into the data to see if certain crimes are increasing or decreasing in our state and to see if there are any trends that can shed like on public safety.

Here are some major takeaways from 2014's data:

  • There were 40,151 robberies reported during 2014.

  • January recorded the highest number with 3,819, while February recorded the lowest with 3,058.
  • Forcible entry was used in 22,252, or 55.4 percent of the total burglaries.

  • The total value of property stolen amounted to $115,748,211, or $7,711 per offense

  • In burglaries where the time of occurrence was known 27,027, or 42.8 % occurred between the hours of 6 AM – 6 PM.

  • Residential burglaries accounted for 31,253, or 77.8 percent of the total burglaries.

  • Males accounted for 3,398 arrests, or 86.3 percent, and females accounted for 568 arrests, or 14.4 percent.

Take a look at the charts below see 5-year burglary statistic in the state. (For a full screen view, click here)



The Arizona crime clock represents an annual ratio of crime during a 24-hour day. It is compiled by the Arizona Department of Public Safety and based on 2014 Crime statistics.

In a 24-hour period during 2014, there were:

  • 7 rapes
  • 1 murder
  • 17 robberies
  • 41 aggravated assaults
  • 110 burglaries
  • 399 thefts
  • 43 vehicle thefts
  • 3 arsons

FYI: For the purpose of this report

Burglary is defined as: The unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft. The use of force to gain entry is not required to classify the crime as a burglary. A structure is considered to include, but not limited to, the following: dwelling houses, apartments, public buildings, offices, barns, cabins, etc. Burglary is divided into three subclassifications: forcible entry, unlawful entry where no force is used, and attempted forcible entry.