PHOENIX – From cheese curds to milkshakes, Milk n’ More is Tempe’s one-stop-shop for dairy.
To top it off, the majority of the shop’s stock is made in Arizona. Local dairy producer Bill Kerr says, “The fresher the milk, the better it is for everybody.”
Kerr’s family has been milking cows at their farm in Buckeye since 1974. Kerr and his son milk their 1,100 cows every day then ship it to the United Dairymen in Tempe. From there, Kerr’s dairy could become ice cream, cheese curds or bottled milk.
A pro tip? Check the barcode on a jug of milk or block of cheese. If there’s a four following the pound sign, that diary was produced in Arizona.
Milk n’ More also whips up ice cream by the scoop and milkshakes or floats by the glass. Try them yourself Monday through Saturday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.