Valley Metro confirmed Wednesday that a driver has tested positive for the coronavirus.
In a statement, Valley Metro says the operator is an employee of a service provider that connects drivers to the company.
The driver is reportedly in self-quarantine and will remain there until cleared by medical officials.
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Information about the patient’s age and identity have not been released.
Valley Metro says the driver last worked on March 21 and the bus was taken out of service for cleaning. The route the driver worked has not been released.
In reference to driver and passenger safety, Valley Metro released the following information:
“As a way to reduce the spread of COVID-19 among operators and passengers, we’ve implemented distancing protocols and are disinfecting fleet daily with anti-viral, disinfecting solutions. We also urge all transit workers and riders to follow the CDC-recommended protocols, including frequent hand washing and use of sanitizers. We hope for a quick recovery of those infected and are extremely appreciative of so many individuals across the Valley and the country who continue work on the frontlines for the health and benefit of all.”