

Pair faces 208 charges in Tonopah puppy mill

and last updated

Two people have been arrested after a large puppy mill was found in Tonopah.

The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office said 61-year-old Catherine Hutchison and 54-year-old Kevin Main were arrested on Tuesday night on 208 charges each.

On November 17 2015, MCSO seized 129 animals from a house in Tonopah after receiving a tip the dogs were living in poor conditions.

The suspects are facing 75 counts of failure to provide medical treatment, 129 counts of animal neglect and four counts of animal cruelty resulting in physical injury.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio says all of the animals seized from the house have treated back to health and have found homes.

The suspects appeared before a judge on Wednesday morning and have been released. They will appaer in court next month.