“It’s his first car he saved up for, worked really hard for it,” said Reyna Espinoza.
Despite that, it did not stop whoever prowled her Buckeye neighborhood last week from taking aim at her brother's car.
“The window was still in place there was a hole right here and another one right here,” she said.
The holes were from a BB gun. Shards of glass now scattered about the seats, floor and pretty much everywhere else.
“The car was parked right here,” said Espinoza, pointing to the curb outside her home.
The normally quiet neighborhood near Southern and Miller is filled with families and surrounded by cotton fields. At least seven vehicles were damaged, neighbors said.
“It’s scary. I have kids. I’m afraid they’ll do it to the house,” said Espinoza.
Not to mention the timing, as this family, like many others, are trying to save every penny for the upcoming holidays.
She said she will have to buy a new window for the car, but also security cameras.
For now, she just wants the persons responsible for the damage to come forward.
“It's an extra expense, an unnecessary expense,” she said.