

Report shows PHX intersections with most crashes

and last updated

After getting many complaints about red light runners and bad drivers, ABC15 asked the city for its data breaking down the number of crashes by intersection.

The latest traffic safety report provided to us includes data from 2014.

According to the report the top five intersections with the most crashes were:

  • 67th Avenue and Indian School Road, with 61 crashes
  • 27th Avenue and Camelback Road with 58 crashes
  • 43rd Avenue and Thomas Road with 56 crashes
  • 67th Avenue and McDowell Road also had 56 crashes
  • 43rd Avenue and Northern with 52 crashes

The intersection with the most incidents of red light runners was a tie, between 44th Street and Thomas Road and 7th Street and Mohave.

The report indicates there were more than 25,952 collisions in 2014. Of those, 13,682 were injury accidents and 160 were fatal crashes.

Kerry Wilcoxon, with the traffic safety section of the city's streets department said majority of the crashes were rear-end crashes, followed by angle crashes.

While the city saw a decline in the number of DUI accidents, there was an increase in the number of people who crashed after running a red light, or failing to stop at a stop sign, when compared with trends from previous years.

Wilcoxon said an increase in the number of crashes generally correlates with the economy, as more people going out means more cars on the road and more accidents as a result.

For the deadly crashes, a majority involved cars and pedestrians.

“We tell pedestrians regardless of whether you have the right of way or the light, pay attention. Not all drivers are going to see you, or see the light and not all drivers are going to stop,” said Wilcoxon.

You can view the city's full traffic safety report by clicking here.