

Alarms, cameras don't stop Phoenix thief who took gun, ammunition

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Alarms blaring and cameras rolling, but that didn’t stop a thief from breaking into a Phoenix home near 27th Avenue and Union Hills on Thursday night. 

"He came over here (to the window), put the gloves on, cracked the window here, came in and stumbled over and fell over the sink, went and opened the door and started loading my stuff up," said Shane Pena, who caught the burglary on his home surveillance system.

His surveillance video shows the man peering into the window with a flashlight before breaking in.

Pena said the man stole some electronics, some ammo, and his loaded gun.

“That’s scary, that’s really the reason I want him to be caught," Pena said. "I’m pissed off."

Pena said he's been passing out flyers to neighbors and nearby stores. He said he’s also offering a reward.