

MAP: Officer-involved shootings in 2016

and last updated

The count of officer-involved shootings in the Valley this year continues to grow.

According to media reports, the Valley has seen over a dozen officer-involved shootings (OIS) so far this year, including Wednesday's incident that left a Phoenix officer dead.

Phoenix has seen eight officer-involved shootings. It's a number that matches the number of police shootings at the same point in time last year, officials said.

Of the incidents, nine suspects or bystanders were killed, while five officers were injured. Wednesday's OIS resulted in the singular death of an officer this year.

It should be noted that two of the 13 total incidents were deputy-involved shootings and were included in this map.

Take a look at the map below to see the approximate location of each meda-reported OIS incident, with officer injuries labeled in orange and officer deaths in red.

Over the past five years, Phoenix police have seen about 20 officer-involved shootings annually. The number has stayed relatively flat except for a spike in 2013, when the city had 31.

Take a look at the breakdown of the 2009-2014 Phoenix Police OIS statistics in the interactive charts below.