The city of Phoenix is offering a free Cybersecurity Summit on Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Phoenix City Hall.
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, so experts tell ABC15 - this event is aimed at providing tips and tricks to outsmart those cyber crooks trying to swipe your information online.
This comes at Equifax just announced on Thursday that they were targeted by hackers yet again following the massive breach that impacted roughly 150 million people.
So, the timing for this event is important. It will provide a wide range of presenters, like IT experts, police officers, even cyberbullying victims to help parents and kids navigate social media.
Chief Information Officer Randell Smith said no matter your skill level when it comes to technology, the dangers are very difficult to grasp.
"It's not that cybercriminals are better than us or smarter than us," Smith explained. "But, they only have to find one vulnerability in my entire network to exploit and potentially get through."
At the event, you will also be able to ask specific questions about your cyber needs, including the Equinox breach and breaches like it.
"You can be the most paranoid person in the world and protect your data, but once you give it to someone else and they get breached, your information is now inferior," Smith said.
He went on to say it is just a matter of time before the next hack happens, but he said there are measures you can take both before and after a breach that can make all the difference in protecting your personal information.
For more information, you can email or register here.
The event takes place at 200 W. Washington Street on the first floor in Assembly Rooms A, B and C.