

DEA: Busted meth house also served as daycare

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A suspected meth trafficking organization was also a daycare center in Phoenix, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

Officials say DEA agents and Scottsdale police served seven search warrants across the Valley Thursday as part of an investigation into a large scale meth ring.

During the warrants, one of the places that operated as a stash location also provided in-home childcare authorities say. Approximately six children were cared for at the residence that doubled as a meth stash site.

DEA's investigation into this Mexico-sourced organization began in the summer of 2015 

To date, DEA has arrested four subjects, seized over 90 pounds of methamphetamine, 33 grams of cocaine, $50,000, two vehicles, and nine weapons, including two rifles.  

On Wednesday, agents arrested five subjects, seized an additional five pounds of methamphetamine, a half-pound of cocaine, four handguns, two rifles, a hand grenade, four military style flak jackets/body armor and $30,000 in cash.