Healthcare was the number one topic the nation was considering when casting a vote in the most recent election.
Many people are worried over making sure they can get quality care for a realistic price.
On Friday, Arizona State University will host Hacking the Human: Digital Healthcare Solutions from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the AE England building, part of their downtown Phoenix college campus at 424 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona, 85004.
"Join Arizona State University’s Health Entrepreneur Accelerator Lab (HEALab), high-level expert speakers, faculty researchers, and over 500 students showcasing their health innovation solutions at a high-level pop-up conference demonstrating upcoming technology-driven healthcare innovations," the website says.
"Attendees will have a chance to demo health solutions products including, a self-service medical station that automates diagnoses, a VR-like headset equipped to spot neurological disorders and more," the website went on to say.
"In addition, participants will learn how Valley entrepreneurs are catalyzing innovation to drive down costs and improve the quality and access to health care for everyone."
Students and faculty get in for free to the event.
Tickets for the public are $25.
You can RSVP here.