In just hours, NASA will make a big announcement about Mars. Turns out, there may be an Arizona connection.
One former and one current University of Arizona researcher are gearing up to release a paper this week. In that paper, the two discuss the possibility of water in Mars. According to CNN, the researchers have found dark streaks on the red planet. Those could indicate that there is water flowing on the red planet.
Why is water so important? Well, for many reasons. First, water is the basic building block for many forms of life. Some space enthusiasts are hopeful water could mean life has been, currently is or will be sustained on Mars.
There's also been talk of "salt water" on the red planet. One of the U of A researchers believes there is salty water on the planet, which is important because it means it wouldn't freeze.
That NASA announcement will come down at 8:30 A.M (Arizona time).