PHOENIX, AZ — When you think of Phoenix Children's, you typically think of kids receiving care. But a 61-year-old woman say she had life-changing surgery there.
Jane Lowry said she began losing her vision about three years ago. "People don't put themselves in your place. They don't understand, I can't see to use the phone. I can't see where it says call 911," Lowry said.
She was diagnosed with a condition called strabismus, commonly known as being cross-eyed. It causes blurred and double vision. Lowry says she was eventually referred to Phoenix Children's Hospital.
"At first it was kind of shocking," Lowry said. "I'm 61."
Dr. James Plotnik, who operated on Lowry, says he gets that reaction a lot.
"Most adults would not think you need to go to a child's eye doctor to have your eyes straightened," Dr. Plotnik said.
He says the condition is more common in children than adults, which is why most eye doctors don't realize surgery can fix it. He says some adults go their whole life not knowing a pediatric doctor can help them.
"In my waiting room you may see an 80-year-old with crossed eyes sitting next to an 8-year-old with crossed eyes," Dr. Plotnik said.
The surgery takes about 10 minutes.
"I took the bandage off, I looked and I could see," Lowry said.
She now has hope that the future of others suffering from this condition, is as clear as her vision.
"I said, 'God gave you miracle hands. Please share them with us for as long as you can'," Lowry said about Dr. Plotnik. "Because he cured my functional blindness."