

Do you really need travel insurance?


We all know insurance is important to have at home when it comes to your valuables, but do you really need travel insurance to help protect you while you’re away from home? Experts say “yes.” The price of travel insurance ranges from 4 to 8 percent of your total trip cost and can help safeguard you against sudden or unexpected illness, injury, and other trip disruptions.
However, not all travel insurance is created equally. As a travel resource, AAA encourages travelers to consider the following before purchasing this coverage: 
Choose the right policy
Because travel insurance coverage can vary, be sure to carefully review what is covered and what is excluded in the policy. A policy, for example, may cover illness or injury, but exclude natural disasters, such as a hurricane. Determine if the policy includes medical coverage if you become ill or seriously injured on your trip. Some travel insurance will include the cost of a medical evacuation if you need to be flown home, while others might not, and your medical insurance may not cover it.

Review trip interruption and cancelation coverage
Many policies have limitations on canceling, cutting short, or extending a trip. Some policies, for example, state that you must cancel 48 hours before departure to be covered.

Don’t overlap coverage
Many policies offer a certain amount of rental car coverage, which could mitigate purchasing additional coverage at the counter. In addition, homeowner’s insurance might cover lost baggage in some cases.

Shop around
Keep in mind, you don’t have to purchase insurance through the vendor from whom you purchased your travel. For example, you don’t have to buy insurance from an airline just because you booked your flight through them. It may be purchased from many independent companies.

AAA is a full-service travel agency. Visit for more information.