FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ — The Geminids are among the few major meteor showers to come from asteroids, and this year they will peak on Friday.
The shower often produces meteors with a distinctly more yellow glow than other meteor showers that originate from comet debris.
Under ideal viewing conditions, the Geminids typically put on one of the best and brightest shows of the year because of the high volume of meteors visible each hour.
However, an almost full moon this year means up to 15 meteors per hour are expected at peak time. Viewing of the Geminids will last until Dec. 21.

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Fountain Hills Geminids watch party
From 7:30-9 p.m. on Dec. 13, The Town of Fountain Hills is hosting a meteor shower watch party.
There will be educational presentations from Night Sky Tourist Star Dudes and the Fountain Hills Dark Sky Association for those who attend.
The event will be held at the Four Peaks Park soccer field, and guests are encouraged to bring chairs, blankets, and warm layers.
There will also be a food truck with hot chocolate bombs and other treats.