

Leave a negative review? Company could sue

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Maybe you had a bad experience with a business or just didn't like a product.

So you leave a review online or file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.

This is America, we have every right to do that. Or do we?

But this week the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed suit against a company accusing them of suing or threatening to sue people who left negative reviews.

The FTC calls it a gag clause, found in the company's terms and conditions.

The agency alleges that the company's threats "unfairly barred consumers from sharing truthful, negative comments."

The case is still in its early stages, but I'm hearing more and more about this type of thing across various industries and it always disturbs me.

I'm always telling you to check people out before you hire them--and fellow customers are some of the best resources for that information.

So here's an idea for companies that want to scare consumers out of complaining-- how about reach out to them. And doing something to fix the problem?

Maybe then the negative reviews just might go away.

The customer is not always right, but that doesn't mean they should be silenced.

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