"We've been losing shingles, have pinhole leaks in a couple of places and parts of the kitchen is falling apart because the water is inside the walls."
Bryan Coil walked through his home in September, listing issues he and his family were facing because of their old roof. Months beforehand, Bryan and his wife signed a contract with Hudson Construction AZ LLC to repair their leaking roof.
The Coil's insurance gave the company a more than $7,600 check. Bryan says Hudson Construction did no work with the money they received, and eventually stopped responding.
Bryan reached out to the Let Joe Know team.
After airing Bryan's story, representatives with United Contracting Group reached out asking how they could help.
Bryan and United Contracting Group connected. Owner, Riley Michel, says experiences like Bryan's not only hurt homeowners, but give the construction industry a bad rap. "Our main focus is kind of prove to Mr. Coil that not every contractor is like this," said Michel.
United Contracting Group repaired the Coil's leaking roof at no out-of-pocket cost to the family. The company did utilize the remaining money allotted by the insurance company for the roof repairs to help cover some costs for supplies.
"It's our livelihood on the line. It's our kids, you know, home on the line," Bryan said. "These gentlemen are all helping out. They're doing everything they can here for me, for my family."
For Michel, he's glad his company is in a position to give back. "Helping people, not just putting a roof on their house, but in general helping people feels great."
As for Hudson Construction, the state's Registrar of Contractors has now revoked Hudson's license. The agency says they had more than a dozen complaints for "abandonment".
The Let Joe Know team asked the lawyer representing Hudson Construction about the situation. They responded in an email, writing they "will not be commenting."
If you have plans to hire a contractor, the Let Joe Know team has tips to protect yourself throughout the entire process.