

Beware of these 3 top consumer scams and concerns


Beware of these top December consumer scams and concerns:

1. Bought the car, give me the title:  We’re seeing too many people buying used cars, and getting promises, but no title. In one case, we found the seller sold the same car to two people! If you don’t have the title in 30 days, contact ADOT and demand to know if the dealer even applied for it.

2. “Not so” free trial periods:  Shopping online, you’ll likely see products offering free trial periods. You just pay shipping. Trying before buying is a good idea.  But you have to cancel or you’re charged.  Sometimes canceling is very tough. Read the terms and conditions before giving your credit card information.

3. Scrub that old phone: So you bought a new tablet or phone. Don’t resell or toss that old one yet. You want to remove any trace of YOU.  If not, the new owner may get access to those photos, links and information you never wanted them to have.

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