

Glendale PD: Company that GPS tracks their employees helps cops solve burglary

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His job was to hand-out fliers in a Glendale neighborhood. But, one man was using it as a cover-up to commit crime...the boss is always watching.

Court records show that a business that uses GPS to track its employees helped police locate and capture a burglar. 

Glendale police report that on August 22, a woman's home near 67th Avenue and Deer Valley Road was burglarized. Her Apple laptop and iPad were missing. 

In talking with neighbors, police found out that a man was passing out flyers in the neighborhood the same day as the burglary.

Police contacted "All Over Media," the company that distributed the flyers. They confirmed that they had employees in the area that day. The company also told police that they use GPS to track their employees who hand out the flyers.

The company checked their records and found out that 20-year-old Tailik James Mason was at the home for 30 minutes that day, before moving on and distributing flyers to other homes.

Police say that the company owner and a supervisor confronted Mason about the theft and urged him to return the stolen items, which he did.

Police arrested Mason at a hotel in Mesa.

Mason is from Las Vegas and reportedly told police that he watched the home and waited for the owner to leave before breaking in. 

"I think of everything that I would have lost," Candice Mitton, the homeowner, said. "From personal pictures, to things I use for work and someone just took it - without even having any regard for how hard I worked to even purchase the computer."

Mitton is a teacher who was off at work, while police say, Mason was also at work - passing out fliers in her neighborhood. But, her teenage daughter was home, only for a few minutes, for lunch. 
"She said that they were kind of weird because they came to the door and it was a door-hanger. She goes, 'Mom, they came to the door and they handed me the flier,'" Mitton explained, "And I was like, 'that's kind of odd.'"

Mason has been charged with burglary.