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Verde Canyon Railroad's Fright Night is a scream for all ages

Posted at 8:30 AM, Sep 29, 2023
and last updated 2024-04-22 19:15:33-04

Verde Canyon Railroad is an advertiser of Sonoran Living.

It's Fright Night and the Only Haunted House in Northern Arizona

Welcome to the only haunted house in northern Arizona: Fright Night"Keep calm," the whispers whine. "They only come after the ones who scream."

What sets this haunted house apart from others? It's inside a phantom train that is permanently derailed on abandoned tracks at Verde Canyon Railroad's depot in Clarkdale, Arizona. For those brave enough to enter … or for those who love the entire month of Halloween … or for those who love the opportunity to be terrified, these eerily furnished rail cars, long forgotten by the living, are open to explore. A bloodthirsty werewolf, eerie circus clowns, a gory, blood-splattered crime scene and a spine-chilling wedding party are but a few of the shocks and jump-scares that greet or eat you in this fresh spin on a classic Halloween haunted house.

In the not-so-distance, a phantom train horn is serenaded by echoing howls from prowling beasts … a scream of terror mixes with teenage laughter … a ghostly figure appears and instantly disappears … snakes hiss and squirm and spiders dangle … all in this haunted house tucked precariously inside train cars. For many, being afraid is the ultimate thrill, and what better way to kick off the Halloween season than a terrifying stroll through Fright Night's Haunt?

One might catch a glimpse of the forgotten phantoms, Psycho Simon or Mad Matt, lurking along the edges of the railyard. The railroad's eerie history has led to sightings of "apparitions" over the ages, perhaps the ghosts of the men who died during the many years of copper mining and railroading in the area. It's rumored that these workers were buried right where they perished, within the mine tunnels along the rails. Their spirits linger, and during the Halloween season something stirs them from their slumber to haunt anew.

For young ghosts, goblins and superheroes, a free Trick-and-Treat Village awaits. Sign the kids up for the Little Monster Club™ for just $25. With the Little Monster Club™ membership, each child receives a bag full of treats, access to the Fright Night Haunt, access to the Fright Night Trick-and-Treat Village, a spooky activity book with games and puzzles, a ghastly mask, a pumpkin cookie-decorating kit, and a jack-o'-lantern with a sticker kit to take home.

Fright Night is a scream for all ages, open to scare you every Friday and Saturday night, September 15 through October 28, with a final fright on Halloween night. Tickets are $15 each in September and $20 in October.

If you ride the Verde Canyon Railroad during September or October, you automatically receive a FREE ticket to enter Fright Night's Haunt. Just bring your train ticket to the haunted house inside the derailed train cars and prepare for your final destination. Fright Nightis 20 minutes from Sedona, 1.5 hours north of Phoenix, and just below the ghost town of Jerome. Visit Fright Nightfor more information.