LifestyleSonoran Living


Camino del Sol Funeral Chapel: Unique ways to honor your loved one

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Camino del Sol Funeral Chapel and Creamation Center is a paid sponsor of Sonoran Living

Grief happens. At a time of loss, it happens to you whether you want it to or not. You can choose to deal with it, or you can try to ignore it. If you choose the latter, I promise you, it will resurface at some point, and you will end up hurting yourself or someone else.

Memorialization is an important part of the grief process. At a time of great loss, we are looking to attach meaning to that loss. Memorialization gives us a specific time and place to explore and find the meaning for which we are desperately searching. We find meaning and therefore are able to move through our grief in a healthy fashion.

If we know that memorialization is an important part of the grief process, then why are so many of us not choosing to memorialize our loved ones? I can't tell you how many times I have heard the phrase, "I don't need all of that!" I think it's because the public no longer wants what funeral homes offer around memorialization. We have turned the memorial service into an experience that no one wants to have. You might not want a standard memorial service, but, believe me, you do need to do some sort of memorial to grieve in a healthy fashion.

Did you know that there are no rules when it comes to creating a memorial? Many people think a memorial is a religious service. It can be, but it most certainly does not have to be either. What if a memorial was gathering the family together for a walk through the neighborhood and you discussed what your loved one meant to you? What if the family got together, cooked grandma's favorite recipes and ate a meal while discussing who she was and what she meant to you? What if you went sky diving and released a small amount of cremated remains in the air as you were floating down to the earth? These are all perfectly acceptable forms of memorialization.

We at Camino del Sol want you know that we understand that everyone is unique. We believe your memorial should be just as unique. Let us help your family create a memorial experience that fully represents your loved one's life to the fullest. It would be our honor.

Lunch & Learn
Unique ways to Celebrate Life!
Janaury 31
12:00 pm
Camino del Sol Reception Center
RSVP (623) 584-6299