

Yum! 3 cool DIY popsicle recipes -- but are they fab or fail?

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Summer is the best time for frozen treats, and your Facebook feeds are probably filled with videos that make it seem simple to make them at home. But are they really as easy and tasty as they seem? Jimmy Rhoades is trying out three popular DIY popsicle recipes to see if they’re fabulous, or a big fail.

1.  Cereal Pops

Start out with Fruity Pebbles and Fruit Loops, because nobody uses granola or bran cereal for popsicles. Now, cut up some strawberries, one banana, and mush them together. Add one cup of Greek yogurt. Then add fruity pebbles, fruit loops and strawberry milk. The tricky part is getting the lumpy mess into the little popsicle molds. Once you’ve done this, pop them in the fridge overnight.

2.  Gummy Bear & Sprite Popsicles

Fill up your mold with gummy bears, top with sprite and toss them in the fridge. A simple one, and it is almost fool proof.

3.  DIY Otter Pops

Our first two popsicles were just filled with sugar, and so are Otter Pops, but we found a DIY video that takes a healthful approach. Add frozen strawberries, raspberries and water to a blender. Get sleeves from any craft store. They're inexpensive and easy to use. Now, the easiest way to do this is to take a funnel and put it into your plastic bag. Add your berry mixture, then some vanilla yogurt for extra flavor. Twist tie that off and throw it in the freezer. You’ll be taken back to your childhood, minus the unhealthy sugar rush.

Stay cool with these three DIY popsicle recipes that are absolutely fabulous.

What’s the one dessert that you can never say no to? Let us know on our Facebook page, @TheListShowTV.