

Birth control change gave Valley woman a stroke

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Millions of women take some form of birth control, and the majority, for the most part, will have no complications.

One Valley woman is telling her story after switching her birth control, which was a dangerous move for her. The move nearly cost Amanda Boyer her life. She had a stroke just five months after switching to a birth control with estrogen. 

Why? Doctors narrowed down the reason to the hormone in her new birth control.

"I got frustrated with having to take a pill every night at bedtime," Boyer said. "So they changed my medication that was not a pill and let's say now I take probably ten times more than that every day."
Boyer said at first she thought she was having a migraine since she was physically in the best shape of her life.

"The last thing I remember was getting out of the shower and getting dressed and I went to put on my shirt and I couldn't find my right arm." 

Still, Boyer didn't think to call 911. It was her father who noticed what was going on and called for help.

Boyer spent several days in the intensive care unit and 14 days between a regular hospital room and rehab.

The CDC said a woman having a stroke because of birth control is rare, something Boyer never thought about. She said she read the warning labels but didn't research the contraceptive well enough. Now, she encourages every woman to research medicines before taking any.