

Summer camp for an AWESOME deal!

and last updated

Playing with LEGO pieces are more than just fun, the possibilities of what you can create are endless and the skills you learn are priceless.

We visited the Building Bonanza summer camp and were impressed at how much it supports kids' creativity and imagination.

The goal is to help kids develop all sorts of skills in math, science, engineering, even robotics and it helps that they are having fun doing it.

The Monday through Thursday camps run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and are valid for kids in kindergarten through the seventh grade.

The regular cost is $199.
But Smart Shoppers you will get a screaming deal as long as you book by Wednesday, June 1 at noon because Bonanza is offering a Smart Shopper Deal of the Day.

Go online , choose the week that you’d like to attend, enter the code “ABC15” and you’ll get the full day for $119.

That means you can drop your kids off at 8 a.m., pick them up as late and 4 p.m. and know that they are having a great experience and learning at the same time!

The Smart Shopper deal is valid for one discounted camp per family.

Also the camps are all over the Valley and run through August 4.