Don't spend your whole tax refund paying full price. Shop smart and know the best things to buy in March to save the most.
Since it's getting warm, retailers are getting rid of winter clothes and accessories and that means good deals for you.
Also, new luggage models are released in March, so retailers are already starting to get rid of older luggage. For example, Macy's is having a pop sale with some luggage at more than half off. That sale ends at 4 a.m. Thursday.
March is national frozen foods month, so it's time for you to stock up. We found grocery stores around the Valley that are celebrating with deals. In fact, Albertsons has a whole page of frozen food sales.
Valentine’s Day is over but love is still in the air, at least when it comes to chocolate. High-end chocolate stores have leftovers from the holiday, and that means sweet deals. Godiva has a whole page of chocolates on sale for up to 50 percent off.