

Are the Thanksgiving leftovers gone? Here's the sales at Valley grocery stores this week

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Are you all out of Thanksgiving leftovers?

Well before you head to the grocery store, you’ll want to know what’s on sale.


Safeway has an awesome deal on Lucerne eggs, 49 cents for a dozen large eggs.

Both Safeway and Albertsons have a good deal on General Mills cereal, Nature Valley and Fiber One bars.

Pay just $1.99 each.

Safeway and Albertsons also have boneless skinless chicken breasts on sale for $1.57 per pound.


Not a bad deal,but we found a better deal at Bashas’, $1.49.

Bashas also has the best deal we found on Cuties Clementines. Get a two pound bag for $1.77.

While you're there you'll get a good deal on all sorts of apples including Gala, Fuji and Red.


But we found the best deal on red apples at Food City. Their cost is three pounds for 99 cents.

Food City also has the best deal on small avocados — five for a buck. And you can get three cucumbers for 99 cents.


Fry's has the best price we found on blueberries; Get four - six ounce containers for $5.

You'll also find cans of 7UP, Coca Cola and Pepsi on sale, Four for $8.88.


Albertsons has an even better deal on those cans of soda.

Get a 12 pack of 7UP products for $1.99.

You must by four packs to get that deal but it still ends up cheaper than the deal at Fry's.


There are lots more deals at valley grocery stores this week so check your ads and make your list.

Remember impulse buys is one of the best ways to overspend.