Big plans are in the works to expand a major road in Glendale, and bring over a thousand new homes to the area.
It’s part of a massive master-plan community project called Stonehaven, which Glendale City Council just approved. This would be the first new neighborhood the city has seen in years, and would add ten subdivisions, parks, and shopping to the area.
Stonehaven will also complete the gap on Bethany Home Road from 83rd to 91st avenues. Glendale City Planning Director Jon Froke says this is a big win for anyone who drives in in the West Valley.
“Travelers from other parts of the Valley that are visiting Glendale whether it's for a sporting event or a concert…they'll be able to travel completely on Bethany Home Road between I-17 and the Loop 101,” said Froke.
There is no set date for construction to begin, but crews will likely break ground the first of next year.