

Family of man killed by neighbor seek justice

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The family of a man killed by his neighbor, who said voices told him to murder the man, is devastated and still trying to understand how someone could rob three children of their father.


“His thing was to be happy and loving and take care of his three kids,“ said Virginia Pena, the victim’s niece.


But Pedro Gomez was robbed of that opportunity when Michael Mitchell knocked on his door. 


“This isn’t right," Pena said. "How can he do this to my family?"


Pena was barely strong enough to talk, but she wanted people to know who her uncle was.


“My uncle wasn’t out to hurt nobody," she said. "He barely moved into his apartment." 


Gomez was shot and killed by Mitchell who was living upstairs at an apartment complex near 75th and Glendale avenues. Police say right after Mitchell pulled the trigger, he realized what happened and ran back home to call 911. He later told police a break-up, unemployment and his meth addiction are to blame for the voices he’s been hearing.


Now Gomez's family is hoping for justice.


“For me personally, he doesn’t deserve to see daylight," she said. "He will eventually have to answer to someone greater than any judge on this planet." 


The family is having a car wash at two different locations this weekend to help raise money for Gomez’s funeral. 

The first location is a 7th Avenue and Baseline Road. The second location is 75th Avenue and Indian School Road. They are asking for volunteers, donated supplies or money to help pay for funeral expenses. 


They have also set up a GoFundme account