Chelsea Clinton told Arizona State University students her mom's college affordability plan would allow 88 percent of Arizona families to send their kids to a public college or university without going into debt.
The former first daughter explained the issue is personal to her family, saying "I remember the day, literally remember the day, my mom wrote her last check to pay off her student loans."
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton says she would make public college, from two year community colleges to graduate school, tuition-free for families making up to $125,000 a year.
"I know many countries have a social program where university is free," ASU student Kathleen Penak said.
Clinton also proposes forgiving college debt for people in community service professions such as teachers and doctors, and she said college debt would be easier to repay for everyone else.
Hillary Clinton's proposal said student loan payment would max out at 10 percent of a person's income.
"Being too intimidated by the cost of education should not determine what your dreams are or your professional pathway," Chelsea said.
"Hopefully they'll be a day where my kids don't have to have monumental debt to do what they want to do," ASU student Sergio Guillen said.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has also campaigned about college debt, proposing to limit repayment amounts to a percentage of a graduate's income.