A pair of thieves stooped pretty low after stealing from a Mesa boy with autism on Christmas day.
Rubie, 12, was given a brand new tricycle. His family says the gift was meant to help him with his independence and mobility.
"You see the joy, and the happiness they have, being able to do something like Rubie was doing, and it's all gone within seconds. It's gone,” Amy Ortiz said.
The crime happened about 3:30 p.m. on Christmas day near Southern and Gilbert.
Fortunately, a neighbor’s surveillance camera caught two suspects. One of them was seen riding off with Rubie’s tricycle.
Ortiz says the gift was special ordered and runs about $300.
Mesa Police believe the crooks may flip the tricycle for cash.
Ortiz says the thieves are a male and female. The male has a long goatee. If you know anything, call Mesa Police