MESA, AZ — Trudy and Paul were inconsolable Friday as they remembered fond memories of their daughter, 32-year-old Norma Jean Norko.
What's more, their daughter's killer has yet to be caught. Trudy Norko says this last month has been a nightmare.
On the night of February 14th, Norma Jean Norko was found in the middle of the road near Main Street and Crismon Road in Mesa.
"Why would someone leave our baby girl just lying there?” Trudy questioned. “No one should be left alone.”
Norma Jean was hit and killed by what officials believe is this new image of the suspect’s car with front damage. The driver took off before 9:30 p.m.

ABC15’s Christine Stanwood: When that image of the car came out by MCSO, did that give you a little bit of hope that there was some progress in the investigation?
Trudy Norko: Most definitely. The Sheriff's Office, to detectives, they're doing, I know they're doing everything they can.
Trudy and Paul offer this plea as they wait from the hospital.
"Everybody's doing everything they can,” Trudy said. “They're trying to help us. Just like you are. Channel 15 has been a great help to us and help us have a little bit of closure to bring some justice. Not closure. Just justice."
Paul added, “If they find the person, it's not going to bring my daughter back. But they should pay for what they did.”
MCSO tells ABC15 they've reached out to Silent Witness to help get a reward out there, in hopes someone, who knows something, will say something.