

Valley rallies behind Gilbert girl battling brain tumor, raising more than $100,000 for treatment


A 10-year-old girl from Gilbert who is battling an inoperable brain tumor is a getting an outpouring of love and support from the community that has raised more than $100,000 for her medical costs. 

Doctors said Anna Ortega only had about six to 12 months to live after they found two masses in her brain. One could be removed. The other could not. 

"I've never had that feeling before, for someone to tell you your daughter has six to 12 months to live," said Anna's dad, Ted Ortega. 

The family found a clinic in Houston, Texas, where they say a few people with Anna's same cancer had been cured. 

The family of nine packed into a van and drove through the night to get to Texas after Anna's condition worsened. 

"She started her treatments and she is doing better," said Anna's mom, Mindi Ortega. "She can talk now."

But the experimental drug is costly and not covered by insurance. The family had to pay more than $60,000 in just the first month. 

Friends and family started a GoFundMe account and have raised more than $100,000 in just 25 days. 

As Anna continues her fight, she prays every night for a miracle. 

"I pray to heavenly father, asking him that I will get to live until I was older and could have a family," said Anna. 

Anna has her next MRI scheduled for May 11th. They are hoping her tumor has shrunk by 30 percent. If it has, the family will come home to Gilbert and continue treatment with trips to Houston. 

If you are interested in helping the family they have a big movie night fundraiser scheduled for Friday. All the information can be found at