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Valley father working to create committee focused on student safety

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In light of the Florida shooting, a Gilbert dad wants to form a committee with the community to come up with a plan to keep students safe.

Like many parents right now, Marcelo Rios, father of 10-year-old twins, feels hopeless about the shooting at a Florida high school.

“There was part of me that said, ‘here comes the arguing over gun control again' said Rios. "Let’s stop all the debate. Let’s get some action done instead.”

Rios wants to take action and form a committee with law enforcement to come up with a plan to keep students safe at school.

Rios says he’s calling Gilbert police and making himself available to form a committee comprised of parents, teachers, and law enforcement officers.
“At least try to make it better,” said Rios. "If we can get ten parents at one of these meetings —  it’s going to be positive.”

Rios wants to create a safe place where people can come, raise concerns and also learn about different ways to keep children safe at school.

"We’ve got to take control secure our kids in a positive way,” said Rios.

Rios says he wants to hold the meetings once a month and focus on various topics like gun safety, mental health and social media.

“With technology, the way it is, we can’t allow ourselves to be helpless,” said Rios.

Rios hopes to have a meeting scheduled in the next few weeks.

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