

PD: Man exposes himself to woman in Chandler


Chandler Police are investigating another flashing incident, and this latest case happened at an apartment complex near Chandler Boulevard and Dobson.

Judy Hammonds told ABC15 she was unloading her car when a man in his 20's approached her. 

"He was more like nonchalant. He asked me what time it was and I told him I didn't know what time it was," said.

That's when the alleged flasher repeated his question, but didn't seem to have time in mind as he indicated to look down with his eyes. 

"Again he said, 'Do you know what time it is?' And that's when I noticed he was pulling his privates out," Hammonds said. "I said to him, ‘What are you doing?’ And he said, 'I really don't think I should be doing this.'"

Hammond said the exhibitionist didn't seem apologetic, instead he seemed to be mocking his behavior.

Detective Seth Tyler with the Chandler Police Department told ABC15 that they are investigating this latest incident, but he doesn't believe it's connected to the Kyrene Canal flasher.

Tyler said the two flashers have different ways of approaching their victims. 

Hammonds worries about the children in the neighborhood and wants this latest flasher caught. 

"He really didn't have any business doing that to me. I was scared after he did that. I did feel violated," Hammonds said.