A group of Valley teens were busted for allegedly drinking and smoking pot on a school-sponsored trip.
In all, 12 students from Sandra Day O'Connor High School were suspended. This happened during a student government trip to Disneyland in February 2016. Thirty-four students in total attended the trip.
At least one parent says she doesn't like how things were handled.
She didn't want to be identified but says the fact that students were forced to sign confessions before ever talking to or calling their moms and dads isn't sitting well with her.?
The Deer Valley Unified School District did release a statement to ABC15 stating "It is regular practice for administrators, when talking with students who want to share information, to have students write down that statement. This is a voluntary action."
Although the mom and her daughter say no one ever mentioned it was voluntary. In fact her daughter says they were told they couldn't leave until they signed those statements.
She also thinks some students may have gotten preferential treatment because their parents work for the district.
When we asked DVUSD they stated "Two of the students on the trip were children of District employees. After a thorough investigation, administrators found that neither of those students, nor 20 others, were involved in the student misconduct."
The mother says she was able to talk to an administrator briefly over the phone following the signed confessions but claims she hasn't been able to set up a meeting with them.
Now her daughter along with two other seniors will ride out ten day suspensions, will not walk in their graduation and will face the district in a hearing.