

Deer Valley school board president tweets out curse words in political Twitter exchange


Deer Valley School Board President Kim Fisher certainly isn't walking back on a controversial tweet, instead she claims it doesn't represent the district.

The tweet in question reads:

"You are an anti-American Trump hating troll no matter what you say it's b*******"

It was sent by Fisher to teacher, Aude Odeh.

It may be par for the course for politics on Twitter. However, the controversy in this case isn't what was typed but who tweeted it.

The two exchanged words over President Trump and religion, a dangerous cocktail of topics. It escalated to the point where Fisher used the same curse word three times.

Many on Twitter called Fisher out, outraged that an elected official would tweet out curse words; some called her a bully. Others came together online via a petition, started by the teacher, calling for her removal from the board.

"She is an elected official, she needs to remember that we are as a school district stronger together," Kathy Huntinton, speaking for Aude Odeh, and a DVUSD voter, said. "It is important that we stand together indivisible but what Kim Fisher is doing is dividing us."

Fisher tells ABC15 the tweets were sent as a private citizen, and that her elected position has nothing to do with her account.

"Some people would argue you're always an elected official," ABC15 asked Fisher.

"I've heard that argument...what I will say is that your elected officials are people no matter what you want to call them if you're on their side or not they're people,” said Fisher.

Fisher claims Odeh and others were bullying her for her support for President Trump.

She doesn't apologize for the tweets she sent, but wishes the whole argument didn't exist.

"I wish the whole thing had not happened at all. My biggest regret is that any students were involved. That to me is never acceptable,” she added.

Fisher plans to address the social media controversy at a district meeting on Tuesday night.