

Man caught looking under women's bathroom stall


A convicted sex offender was arrested Saturday night after being caught looking at women in bathroom stalls at a Quick Trip in North Phoenix. 

Phoenix Police say 34-year-old Kevin Ray Scrivner Junior was in the women's bathroom at the Quick Trip at 27th Avenue and Northern where he was caught looking under the stalls.

A female victim was using the bathroom when she saw Scrivner peering under the stall, according to documents. The woman confronted him who ran out of the bathroom and drove off in a vehicle.

Police later caught up with Scrivner after receiving a call about a fight at a nearby park. Citizens allegedly caught him in a female bathroom at the park.

He was arrested and booked into jail for one count of surreptitious viewing.

Scrivner admitted to police that he wasn't supposed to be in the women's bathroom and to looking under the stall, but claimed it was unintentional, records say.

He did admit looking under the stall but claimed it was unintentional.

Police later learned that he is a registered sex offender having four prior convictions in 2013 for indecent exposure.