

Construction worker explains moment baby's remains were discovered at Phoenix work site


Phoenix Police confirmed that the remains found at a north Phoenix construction site are too small for any of the missing child cases being followed by the media.

Construction crews working at the site say they first came upon the remains nearly a week ago.

"We walked by and looked at it and thought it was the remains of an animal or something like that," said Brijido Valenzuela, a construction worker at the site.

Valenzuela says he kept getting a strange feeling over time as he passed by it.

"I just kept walking by, praying at it. I really looked at it the other day and I said 'This ain't no animal," Valenzuela explained.

"It looked like human, little baby's scalp, little bones, but what caught me was the hair, like human hair." said Jose Valenzuela, Brijido's father who is also on the crew. "It had a little monkey, it had a little monkey...that's what told us it was a baby."

Valenzuela says the monkey was a Curious George toy.

Crews say the remains were found wrapped in a couple of towels and a baby blanket.

The discovery was then reported to Phoenix Police. 

"Later on they told us it was the remains of a child...," said Brijido Valenzuela. "I can't believe someone would do that, somebody was heartless...threw it away like it was trash."

The Maricopa County Medical Examiner is now trying to identify the remains and how long they've been in the field.

Phoenix Police told ABC15 it's possible they may not even be that of a full term baby.

"You don't know whether the father did it or the mother did it. It's not right, give it a decent burial," said Jose Valenzuela.