

Freeway shootings docs to be unsealed

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The judge in the freeway shootings case has decided to let the documents in the freeway shootings be available to the public.

The documents will be unsealed but personal information will be redacted.

The ruling was made on Tuesday along with the ruling to deny the motion to dismiss the case with prejudice.

With that ruling, the State of Arizona can file charges against Leslie Merritt Jr. in the future.

Merritt's personal property will also be returned to him, including his wallet. In June, the court will decide if his gun and car can be returned to him.

RELATED: 30 questions: Have we seen new freeway shootings in Phoenix since Leslie Merritt Jr. was in jail?

It took seven months to determine ballistics were not a match and Merritt was released from jail.

In the seven months Merritt was in jail, DPS did not hold any press conferences on the other freeway shootings Merritt was not in custody for. The signs for the freeway shootings tips were taken down and there is no word if any one was questioned in the other shootings.

Merritt was in custody for four of the eleven shootings.