Banner Health is taking action to keep patients and staff as healthy as possible during this flu season.
People who are sick with a cold or flu cannot visit patients until they are healthy again at Banner Health Medical Centers.
The following restrictions are in place:
• Do not visit the hospital if you have a fever, cough, vomiting or diarrhea.
• No visitors allowed under the age of 13.
- Siblings, who do not have cold and flu symptoms, may visit a new baby in the obstetrics unit or pediatric unit. Your child may be screened for illness by staff before being allowed to visit.
- Children 12 and under must be supervised by an adult at all times in public waiting areas and cafeterias. Please wash or sanitize your hands frequently while at the hospital.
- Looking at predictors such as the flu seasons in Australia and other parts of the world, many experts believe this may be a worse-than-average flu season. The good news is that scientists believe the strain of flu seen so far is included in this year's flu vaccine.
This year, medical experts are predicting a worse flu season this year which is why they are encouraging people to get their flu shot to protect themselves.