

Valley comedian Brad Zinn's livelihood stolen after thieves take trailer


For more than 40 years, Brad Zinn's job as a comedian has been to make people laugh until their stomach hurts.

But right now, he feels gut wrenched.

"This is really a gut punch, and I'm still kind of numb over the fact that somebody would take that away from us and not allow us to do what we do," Zinn said.

Early Sunday morning, thieves stole a white trailer from his driveway near 47th Avenue and Thunderbird in Phoenix.

Inside the trailer, Zinn had about $10,000 worth of equipment that he uses in his shows. The thieves also slashed his tires.

Zinn believes it was around 3 a.m. because he heard his neighbor's dogs barking around that time.

"I can replace the trailer. What was in the trailer is almost irreplaceable in terms of what we use for our show," Zinn said.

This includes an antique steamer trunk that Zinn calls the centerpiece of his show.

The trailer also contained his sound system, his advertising banner, backdrop curtains used in his shows, and a side table -- a sentimental gift from another comedian -- among other items.

"We don't live a big lifestyle, we're not wealthy. We just want to make people happy," Zinn said.

He's taken his act around the world, entertaining everyone from veterans, to the elderly, and kids, even appearing in The Wallace and Ladmo Show.

"I feel like I'm supposed to be doing this [entertaining], so I want my trailer back, at least the stuff in it," Zinn said.

With three shows coming up in January, he's hoping someone will recognize the white trailer, similar to the ones he showed ABC15 in pictures, with AZ license plates Y19321, and report it to Phoenix police.

Anyone wishing to help Zinn can donate to his GoFundMe account.