

Tim Kaine stumps for Clinton in Phoenix

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Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kaine stopped by a phone bank Friday night to thank volunteers and tell them they are about to turn the state blue this election. He also had a lot to say about the video that surfaced of Donald Trump making crude comments about women.

“You look at a woman as an object, not as an equal,” Kaine said in reaction to the video. “I know Donald Trump tried to brush it off by saying things about Bill Clinton, but are you taking responsibility for your actions? You're the one on the ballot.”

The Democrats set up a taco stand at their headquarters after a Trump supporter made a comment about having taco stands on every corner if stricter immigration policies were not put into place.

Kaine stopped by for a few tacos, using his well-versed Spanish, and he talked about the importance of the Latino vote and immigration reform.

“Maintain families and keep them together,” Kaine said. “That's the theme that will drive this. Focus your enforcement, not on kicking everyone out, but on people who pose a public safety risk. And we will invest in border security, not a big wall. That would be a waste.”

When talking about prop 205, legalizing recreational marijuana in Arizona, Kaine says he has no problems with states taking their own actions on these votes. And he does want to see more research conducted on marijuana.

“Would marijuana be a better way to treat pain than opioids that are causing so many problems?” said Kaine.

Kaine left supporters hopeful that they can turn the state blue and on a full stomach.

“I had two chicken tacos and I have never had a squash taco and it was great,” said Kaine.

Kaine said that Hillary Clinton is ready for Sunday night’s debate and he believes she will thrive in a town hall-style setting.