A six-figure paycheck has long been a sign of a comfortable income, and unlike several high-cost cities around the country where a $100,000 salary still leaves you broke, Phoenix is right around the middle of the pack.
According to MagnifyMoney, a family with two incomes that total $100,000 that has a preschool-aged child would still have just under $800 left over at the end of the month in Phoenix after paying for essentials such as housing, food, transportation, 401k investments and taxes.
At the extreme, San Jose, California, was the worst city where $100,000 just doesn't go very far.
Even after paying for essentials in the heart of Silicon Valley, residents earning $100,000 a year still remain $1,046 in the hole on average every month, according to MagnifyMoney.
See more about the city rankings from the Phoenix Business Journal.