

Sheriff Joe Arpaio's response to San Bernardino


Sheriff Joe Arpaio made an announcement on social media on Friday afternoon of his response to the recent attacks in California and what he wants private citizens who carry a gun to do in that situation.

In a video posted on Arpaio’s YouTube, he encourages citizens who wear concealed weapons to use them if ever faced in a situation similar to the one in San Bernardino.

“My first order of business is to protect the public, and in doing so I am asking, if you are legally carrying a firearm and you are witness to a mass violence situation such as the incident that happened in San Bernardino on Wednesday, that you take action until Law Enforcement can arrive,” Arpaio said in a post.

Arpaio mentioned there are at least 250,000 citizens are carry a firearm and asked them to “utilize whatever means possible to save lives.”