

McQuery disappointed in Johnson's sentence

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The father of Baby Gabriel voiced his disappointment at the sentence given to the child's mother, Elizabeth Johnson, on Thursday for violating the terms of her parole.

A judge sentenced Johnson to 20 days in jail in connection with leaving the state of New Mexico without permission. She has been on parole since 2014 after serving time related to Gabriel's disappearance.

Gabriel's father, Logan McQuery, told ABC15 he believes Johnson deserves more jail time.

“I was just hoping for 4-6 months, just for her to think about, you know it's still out there, Gabriel’s still out there, this whole thing is not just going to go away,” said McQuery.

He said he wasn’t surprised when she was arrested because the woman he knows doesn’t like to follow the law and has wanted to do her own thing all along.

McQuery said the one positive is that her arrest has put Gabriel’s name back in the spotlight  generating more interest in the case again, even among people who maybe weren’t familiar with his story before.

"I knew Gabriel was going to get a lot of media attention bringing this all back up. That's one of the biggest things I was hoping for and we got that,” he said.

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